From: 07/19/2024 to 07/31/2024
165 Center Road, Bedford, Ohio 44146


Resident advised there was someone knocking on her door. She was not expecting anyone and
did not want to look through the peephole or answer the door. The male outside claimed he
didn’t know the area and asked if she could open the door. The resident did not provide a
description and remained on the line with dispatch until officers arrived. Officers gave the male a
ride to the library so he could access Wi-Fi to contact his friend.
Location: Turney Rd, Bedford

A subject came to the station to report stalking, involving issues with a book club and taxes. The
subject was referred to Domestic Relations Court to inquire about civil protection orders for
multiple individuals she claimed were stalking her throughout the Greater Cleveland area.
13:12:57 SUSPICION
Location: Greencliff Dr, Bedford

Caller reported that her 20-year-old sister was attempting to tase her. The caller was in her
bedroom while her sister was trying to push the door open. The sister, identified as Jazmyn
Nunn, was described as a Black female, wearing jeans but no shirt. No injuries were reported,
and the caller did not wish to pursue charges. Both parties were advised to keep the peace.
Location: Broadway Ave, Bedford

The male on station reported that his identity had been compromised and had been used as a
cosigner at Hyundai of Bedford. He had already filed a report in Stow and was given a
statement form to complete for the Bedford PD.
17:10:38 IDTHEFT
Location: Rockside Rd, Bedford

Officer spoke with a caller who had concerns about her son being sexually harassed by a
manager at IHOP. The caller stated the manager had asked her son to come to the bathroom
with him while at work and had made him work for free. The situation was documented, and the
caller contacted the district manager for further action.
Location: Rockside Rd, Bedford (IHOP)


The complainant stated that his 2008 silver BMW was hit while parked on the street overnight.
White paint transfer was noted on the vehicle. Photos of the damage were taken, and no
witnesses were identified.
Location: Johnson Ave, Bedford


A caller from an apartment complex reported a suspicious black 4-door VW in the back corner of
the parking lot. The car was described as very dirty, backed in, with an unknown plate. The
caller noted that the same car frequently shows up and sits in the lot for hours without the male
driver exiting. Officers checked the vehicle, and the driver was found to be watching a movie. No
issues were noted.
Location: Broadway Ave, Bedford

Caller reported that someone threw a brick through his window. The caller was not home at the
time, and two red bricks were found inside the home. The caller suspects a female from a
previous relationship.
Location: Avalon Dr, Bedford

Caller reported that his 2017 Infiniti Q50 was taken by his girlfriend while he was asleep. The
vehicle was last seen at 0655 hours at Eddy Rd. The complainant was advised to contact
Cleveland impound to retrieve the vehicle after it was involved in an accident.
Location: Turney Rd, Bedford

Caller reported a hit-and-run accident while exiting the highway. Three vehicles were involved,
and the vehicle that caused the accident fled the scene.
18:18:16 MVA HITSKIP
Location: Forbes Rd, Bedford

A neighbor reported seeing an unknown male “creeping” under first-floor windows at a nearby
house. The male was seen going onto the deck but was no longer visible when the caller and
her son checked. Officers checked the area, but the male was not found.
06:18:57 SUSPICION
Location: High St, Bedford


Surveillance activity was reported at the Enterprise lot. Pro Vigil security reported a silver 4-door
sedan drove onto the lot, and someone exited the vehicle and entered a red SUV on-site. Both
vehicles left the scene before officers arrived. The area was checked and found to be clear.
00:32:54 SUSPICION
Location: Rockside Rd, Bedford

The complainant reported being harassed by her boss’s wife, who sent her emails accusing her
of being a “homewrecker.” The complainant admitted to having an affair with her boss. She was
advised to stop the relationship or find new employment.
Location: Broadway Ave, Bedford (Car Connections of Bedford)


The owner of a motel requested police to check a vehicle that had been left in the lot for over
four days. The vehicle, a 2000 Saturn SL, was not listed as stolen. Officers ran the VIN and
plate through the system, and everything checked out. The owner was advised that they would
need to tow the vehicle if they didn’t want it parked there.
Location: Northfield Rd, Bedford

Caller reported receiving several scam phone calls asking for her social security number and
bank information. The most recent call appeared to come from Bedford PD, but there is no
Officer Decker employed there. The caller did not provide any personal information to the
15:55:11 FRAUD
Location: John St, Bedford

Caller reported that her child’s father drove past her parents’ house and pointed a gun at it. The
suspect was driving a white Hyundai SUV and left the area before officers arrived.
Location: Paul St, Bedford

Caller reported that her landlord assaulted her 17-year-old daughter while attempting to gain
access to the house. The incident was documented.
14:54:35 ASSAULT
Location: Adams St, Bedford

Caller reported that her 13-year-old daughter was assaulted by her brother at the library. The
daughter had marks on her arm and leg. No EMS was requested.
15:54:36 ASSAULT
Location: Columbus Rd, Bedford (Cuyahoga County Library – Bedford)

Caller came to the police station to report that her live-in boyfriend had pushed her during an
argument the previous night. She did not wish to pursue charges but was advised on how to
obtain a protection order.
16:17:22 ASSAULT
Location: Columbus Rd, Bedford

Caller reported $2,000 missing from a zipper bag in his closet at work. He suspects a co-worker,
with whom he was having an affair, but has no proof. The incident was documented.
19:16:59 THEFT
Location: Broadway Ave, Bedford (Car Connections of Bedford)


A caller reported that someone claiming to be from the Historical Society wanted access to
private areas of the building during an event. The individuals did not leave a name. The caller
provided video and photos of the people and did not believe they were from the Historical
Society. Officers reviewed the video but did not recognize the individuals. No items were taken,
and no unauthorized areas were accessed. The incident was informational at this time.
13:25:21 SUSPICION
Location: Broadway Ave, Bedford

A neighbor reported seeing 6-8 juveniles running out of a vacant house and towards the tracks.
Officers responded and advised the juveniles to stay out of vacant houses and off the tracks.
The residence was checked, and all doors were secure. The juveniles denied being in the
house, and no evidence of a crime was found.
Location: Leonard St, Bedford

Caller reported that her ex-boyfriend was harassing her via text, phone calls, and social media
posts. The ex-boyfriend was contacted by officers and advised to stop all contact.
Location: Broadway Ave, Bedford

Caller reported unauthorized charges on his Citizens Bank card after accidentally leaving it in a
gas pump card reader in Colorado. The charges were documented.
15:32:55 FRAUD
Location: Harriman Ave, Bedford

Caller, a representative from Kia of Bedford, reported a misunderstanding with a bank over a
canceled check. The issue was resolved, and no further action was required.
17:12:03 FRAUD
Location: Rockside Rd, Bedford (Kia of Bedford)

Caller reported receiving a threatening letter and pictures of her vehicle, which she believes
were related to a road rage incident. The incident was documented, and she was advised to
take precautions.
18:20:48 MENACING
Location: Talbot Dr, Bedford

Caller reported a white male drinking in Veterans Park. The male was advised against drinking
in public and sent on his way.
Location: Broadway Ave, Bedford

Manager reported that a female shoplifter, who had a history of stealing from the store, was in
the store again. The female left before officers arrived. The manager was advised to call if she
10:03:39 THEFT
Location: Northfield Rd, Bedford (Giant Eagle – Bedford)

Caller, an employee at Giant Eagle, reported a female with a full backpack that was empty when
she entered the store. The female left on foot before officers arrived. Upon investigation, the
female was found to have paid for the item in her bag and had a receipt.
10:57:51 THEFT
Location: Northfield Rd, Bedford (Giant Eagle – Bedford)

A caller reported that a group of five black teenagers had been looking in her windows earlier in
the day. The teens left a bike at her house and returned to retrieve it, now hanging out across
the street. This was the second time the caller experienced this issue. Officers checked the
situation, and the teens admitted to playing in the yard. They were advised not to use that yard
Location: Flora Dr, Bedford

A person was seen near vehicles on the southeast side of a property, wearing a black shirt and
black camo pants. The individual was described as a thin black person of unknown gender.
Officers checked the area but found no one on the scene.
Location: Rockside Rd, Bedford

A caller reported two vehicles loading items suspiciously behind the back part of the Giant
Eagle. The caller did not answer any questions and hung up. Officers toured the area but were
unable to locate the vehicles.
Location: Northfield Rd, Bedford

Caller reported that her vehicle’s back window was broken and her purse stolen. Possible
suspects were described as two skinny Black males in white hoodies and a heavier Black male
in a dark hoodie.
Location: Washington St, Bedford


A security camera caught a subject taking items out of a red SUV on the west side of a building.
The person then loaded the items into a silver Nissan Altima with front-end damage. The
subject was described as a black male wearing a jean jacket, black t-shirt, and black shorts.
Officers checked the area but were unable to locate the subject.
Location: Rockside Rd, Bedford

Caller reported that her vehicle’s rear window was broken overnight while parked in a carport.
Blood was found on the outside of the vehicle, and DNA swabs were taken for evidence.
Location: Turney Rd, Bedford (Bedford Green)

Caller reported that her daughter’s vehicle was broken into overnight. The passenger side rear
window was broken, and the ignition was damaged. A jacket was stolen from the vehicle.
Location: Turney Rd, Bedford

Caller reported that her daughter’s car window was broken overnight, but nothing appeared to
have been stolen. The vehicle was still locked.
Location: Turney Rd, Bedford

Caller reported that her vehicle’s rear passenger window was broken, and the steering column
was damaged. Officers collected DNA evidence from the vehicle.
Location: Turney Rd, Bedford

Caller reported that her vehicle’s rear passenger window was broken out, and the ignition was
damaged. DNA evidence was collected.
Location: Corkhill Rd, Bedford

Caller reported that her vehicle’s rear driver’s side window was broken out overnight. No items
were taken, and the incident was documented.
Location: Turney Rd, Bedford (Colony Club)


Caller reported that a female suspect, who often steals from Giant Eagle, was outside the store.
The incident was documented, but no further action was taken.
08:16:35 THEFT
Location: Northfield Rd, Bedford (Giant Eagle – Bedford)

A vehicle driving westbound with three tires passed through a light. The vehicle was described
as a silver Malibu, and it was reported to be heading westbound into Maple. The vehicle was not
traveling at a high rate of speed.
Location: Rockside Rd & Broadway Ave, Bedford

Caller reported that her mother struck her in the face during an argument, causing a nosebleed.
Both parties were advised to complete witness statements.
11:07:17 ASSAULT
Location: Avalon Dr, Bedford

Caller reported unauthorized use of a vehicle. The incident was documented, and a report was
Location: Rockside Rd, Bedford (Enterprise – Bedford)

Caller reported being sideswiped by a maroon Ford F150 while driving on Grand Blvd. The
incident caused damage to the caller’s driver’s side mirror.
18:22:30 MVA HITSKIP
Location: Center Rd, Bedford

Caller reported a male in the parking lot with a gun. The male was last seen walking towards the
parking lot after being told to leave by an umpire. Officers were unable to locate the suspect.
Location: Bedford Glens Park, Bedford

Caller reported damage to his vehicle, including a broken window and a damaged steering
column, indicating an attempted theft. No items were stolen from the vehicle.
Location: High St, Bedford


Officers spoke to two females who stated they were dumpster diving by Family Dollar and had
previous permission to do so from the business. No issues were noted.
Location: Northfield Rd & Columbus Rd, Bedford

Officers checked on juveniles hanging out by an Acura. The situation was found to be okay.
Location: Rockside Rd, Bedford

A vehicle was found ransacked with items strewn about. The vehicle was a new car that had not
yet been transferred to the new owner. Officers checked the area, and everything was reported.
Location: Best St, Bedford

Officers checked on juveniles at a location. The situation was found to be okay.
Location: Northfield Rd, Bedford

A male came to the police station lobby to report that he believed his coworkers were hacking
into his car and damaging it. The male stated that his coworkers at Ganley Dodge had hacked
his key fob and were moving items around in his vehicle. He also believed they were
responsible for his fuel pump going bad. He reported that his supervisor was covering for the
employees by turning the cameras away so there was no video. The male wanted the
information on file.
16:27:36 SUSPICION
Location: Broadway Ave, Bedford

Caller reported that his phone was stolen and was pinging at a location in Northfield. The caller
was unable to come to the station as he was working. The incident was documented.
13:49:56 THEFT
Location: Northfield Rd, Bedford (Room to Grow)

A caller reported a white male wearing a hat, light-colored jeans, and a dark jacket, on a black
motorcycle, was on their property for about 5-10 minutes. The male claimed he was lost and
eventually left the area. No threats were made, and no plate information was obtained. Officers
checked the area, but the subject was gone upon arrival.
Location: Mitchell Dr, Bedford

Caller reported that her sister’s 2019 Kia Soul was stolen from her driveway. The vehicle was
locked and keys were not inside. The Flock system captured an image of the vehicle.
15:04:29 AUTO THEFT
Location: Paul St, Bedford


Caller reported that her boyfriend had struck her in the face during an argument, causing her
nose to bleed. She was transported to the hospital, and officers attempted to contact the
Location: Center Rd, Bedford (Circle K – Bedford – Rockside)

Caller returned home to find several windows broken and multiple items, including a TV, phone,
desktop, iPad, and $1,500 cash, stolen from the home.
18:05:30 BURGLARY
Location: Columbus Rd, Bedford


A caller reported two males attempting to break into her car. The caller advised that the males,
described as younger black males, pushed on her window, making it inoperable but did not
break it or take anything from the vehicle. The males fled on foot westbound through the lot.
Officers toured the area but were unable to locate the individuals.
Location: Turney Rd, Bedford

Caller reported that his 2023 Kia Sorento was stolen. The Flock system showed the vehicle
leaving the city on July 28. The vehicle was likely repossessed due to late payments.
06:50:32 AUTO THEFT
Location: Turney Rd, Bedford

Caller reported that her sister’s ex-boyfriend had been stalking her and recently climbed the
balcony of her home to look through her window. The incident was documented, and officers
advised the sister to obtain a protection order.
Location: Turney Rd, Bedford (Colony Club)

Officers were flagged down by a business reporting damage caused by a tow truck that
displaced bricks while attempting to load a vehicle. The incident was documented as a civil
Location: Broadway Ave, Bedford

Caller reported that his golf clubs, valued at $2,500, were stolen from his vehicle while it was
parked in the driveway. The clubs were located at a Play It Again Sports store, and officers are
following up.
15:46:38 THEFT
Location: Columbus Rd, Bedford

Caller came to the police station with questions about a welfare check conducted earlier in the
day, related to a custody dispute. He was provided with an update and advised on how to obtain
a copy of the report.
Location: Meadowgate Blvd, Bedford

Officers spoke to a vehicle owner who stated her friend was getting dropped off with an Uber,
and she was there to pick her up. The owner was advised of business hours and said she would
leave once her friend arrived.
Location: Broadway Ave, Bedford


Service manager reported a gray 2020 Audi SQ5 missing, last seen about a week ago. The
vehicle was entered into the system as stolen.
14:24:26 AUTO THEFT
Location: Rockside Rd, Bedford

A caller reported a person hiding or squatting down behind materials close to the BMV on the
northwest corner of a building. Officers checked the area and spoke to a female who was sitting
on the curb. The female did not want to identify herself and was advised of trespassing. She left
the area.
Location: Rockside Rd, Bedford

A caller reported two Black females failed to scan all items at Giant Eagle. They left in a black
Ford Fusion with heavy window tint. Officers are following up on the investigation.
16:05:15 THEFT
Location: Northfield Rd, Bedford (Giant Eagle – Bedford)

Caller reported that his vehicle was towed to a service center but was later found missing. The
towing company confirmed the vehicle was delivered, but the business could not locate it.
Officers are investigating the incident.
17:38:06 AUTO THEFT
Location: Broadway Ave, Bedford (ABC Motor Credit)

A male was reported to be smoking crack in public. Upon arrival,
officers determined he was smoking marijuana. He was advised he couldn’t do that in a public
location, and he stopped.
Location: Woodrow Ave, Bedford

Officers checked an area after a report of suspicious activity, but the subject was gone on
Location: High St, Bedford

A caller reported seeing a black car occupied by several females sitting in a lot for a few hours.
The caller observed the car via camera and was unsure what they were up to. Officers checked
the area, and the females were found to be traveling from Missouri to NYC. Their car broke
down, and they moved it to another lot to call an auto shop in the morning.
23:58:05 SUSPICION
Location: Rockside Rd, Bedford


A caller reported a black male wearing grey pants and a dark shirt walking up and down the
street, looking down people’s driveways. The caller found it suspicious as he had never seen
the male before. Officers drove by and checked on the male, who was looking for a piece of his
phone from an earlier call.
Location: W Grace St, Bedford

Caller reported being bitten and assaulted by a male suspect who fled the scene in a
dark-colored SUV. The suspect attempted to poke the caller’s eye out during the altercation. The
caller was transported to the hospital for treatment.
15:02:13 ASSAULT
Location: Jackson Blvd, Bedford

Caller reported an altercation with another resident at her apartment complex. Both parties were
involved in a physical fight, and neither was determined to be the primary aggressor. They were
advised to keep the peace.
19:54:10 ASSAULT
Location: Rockside Rd, Bedford (Woodside)