The class of 1959 was the first to occupy the current high school as 8th graders, when it opened as a Jr. High School (7th & 8th grades) for the 1954/55 school year. Construction continued and it became the “new” high school in September of 1958 when they returned as the first graduating class. This close-knit group has consistently gathered every five years, a tradition that has kept their connections alive and strong.
This year’s reunion is slated to be a casual, indoor, afternoon picnic at the local Ellenwood Center. Sirna’s Café in Bedford is catering the event. A live DJ will play music of the 50s and 60s. A photographer will capture all the special moments. While there can be challenges of health and travel with attendees ranging in age from 82 to 84, this class rose to the occasion with enthusiasm. Some of them attended this building for elementary school and are eager to return.
Now, as they celebrate their last formally planned reunion, the Bedford School System is re-envisioning a new plan that will replace or rework all the buildings and locations, including their beloved “new” high school, adding a layer of nostalgia to the gathering. The event will feature a memorabilia table with items such as past editions of the school newspaper — the “Bee Hi-Buzz” — all the yearbooks, event programs, and other souvenirs aimed at sparking shared memories. A special “In Memory Of” table will honor the 100 deceased classmates. A slideshow will run continuously with hundreds of pictures from their childhood days, school days, reunions, picnics, and other outings.
This fun-loving but hardworking committee started reaching out to classmates in December. They made phone calls, sent emails, and mailed letters, all intending to connect with every person. More than 80 people will be attending, including classmates, spouses, friends, and family members. While the formal events of past reunions included a Friday night “meet and greet,” Saturday night banquet, and Sunday morning brunch, this has been set aside in favor of an all-afternoon event, creating a memorable and enjoyable one-day experience for everyone attending.
The reunion is more than just a social event; it’s a testament to the enduring bonds of friendship and shared history. As they prepare to gather on September 7th from noon to 7 p.m., the spirit of the class of ’59 remains strong, embodied in their motto, “Always a Bearcat.”