Hello Bedford residents! There’s been a lot of discussion on door-to-door sales and soliciting in our community. Here’s what you need to know about local laws and how to report illegal activities.

Definitions and Licensing: Peddlers sell goods or services door-to-door without prior invitation, and solicitors seek funds for any cause in the same manner. Political, religious, and non-profit fundraising by minors are exceptions. To operate legally, peddlers and solicitors must obtain a license from the city, which costs $10 and is valid until December 31 of the year it’s issued.

Application Process: Applications are submitted to the Chief of Police, including personal details, a photograph, and possibly fingerprints. The Chief of Police will issue a license if the applicant and their business are deemed safe and lawful.

Rules and Regulations: Licensed peddlers and solicitors must carry their license at all times and show it upon request. Solicitation is only allowed between 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on any day and is prohibited on state or national holidays.

Revocation and Renewal: Licenses can be revoked for fraud, misrepresentation, or criminal activity. Renewal of a license may not require a full new application.

No Solicitation Signs: Residents can display a sign to refuse uninvited solicitors. The sign must state “No Solicitors Invited” or similar and comply with size requirements.

Telephone Solicitation: Uninvited telephone solicitation for sales or contracts is prohibited.

Penalties: Violations can result in fines up to $500 and imprisonment up to 60 days for a first offense, with harsher penalties for subsequent offenses.

If you suspect someone is not properly licensed, contact the Bedford Police Department at 440-232-1234.

Stay informed and help keep our community safe!

Note: The above is a summary of Bedford City Ordinance Chapter 723 Peddlers.