Cooking en papillote, which translates to “in paper” in French, is a culinary technique that involves baking food in a sealed packet of parchment paper. This method, popular in French cuisine, is celebrated for its ability to lock in flavors, moisture, and nutrients, resulting in tender and aromatic dishes.

How to Cook En Papillote:

  1. Preparation: Start by preheating your oven to 375°F (190°C). Cut a large piece of parchment paper into a heart or rectangular shape, depending on the food you’re preparing.
  2. Assemble Ingredients: Place your main ingredient—such as fish fillets, chicken breasts, or vegetables—on one half of the parchment paper. Add seasonings, herbs, and aromatics like garlic, lemon slices, or fresh dill. For a complete meal, you can include thinly sliced vegetables or small amounts of broth.
  3. Seal the Packet: Fold the parchment paper over the ingredients, creating a seal by crimping the edges tightly. The packet should be well-sealed to trap steam and flavors inside.
  4. Bake: Place the sealed packets on a baking sheet and bake in the preheated oven. Cooking times vary depending on the ingredients, but generally, fish takes about 15 minutes, and chicken can take 20-25 minutes. The parchment paper will puff up as the food cooks, which is a good indicator that it’s working correctly.
  5. Serve: Carefully open the parchment packets, being cautious of the hot steam. Serve the food directly from the parchment for a rustic presentation, or transfer to plates.

Why Cooking En Papillote is Special:

  • Flavor Infusion: The sealed environment allows flavors to meld beautifully, resulting in rich and aromatic dishes.
  • Moisture Retention: The technique traps steam, keeping ingredients moist and tender without the need for additional fats.
  • Healthy Cooking: It requires minimal added fat, making it a healthier cooking option.
  • Ease of Cleanup: The parchment paper reduces the mess, making cleanup a breeze.

Cooking en papillote is a versatile and elegant technique that can elevate your meals while simplifying preparation and cleanup. It’s perfect for creating flavorful, healthy dishes with minimal effort.