As reported by Michelle Nicks with Cleveland 19 News, a lawsuit has been filed following a catastrophic explosion and fire that occurred on February 20, 2023, at I. Schumann and Co., a scrap metal processing facility near Bedford, Ohio. The explosion tragically killed 46-year-old employee Steven Mullins and injured over 15 others, leaving some with severe burns and long-term disabilities.

The personal injury lawsuit, filed by attorney Jordan Lebovitz of Nurenberg, Paris, Heller & McCarthy Co., LPA, represents 13 workers and 5 spouses. It claims that two companies, R&T Sheet Metal Fabricators, Inc. and Forest City Erectors, Inc., are responsible for installing defective water jackets on one of the plant’s furnaces. The lawsuit asserts that these defects contributed to the explosion.

Lebovitz emphasized the severe physical and emotional toll on the victims, noting that some may never be able to work again. He also stressed that the explosion was preventable and pointed to multiple failures as contributing factors. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) cited I. Schumann and Co. for six violations related to the incident, including failure to follow proper lockout/tagout procedures, and proposed $62,500 in fines.

The plant remains closed as investigations continue by OSHA, the State Fire Marshal, and local authorities.

Correction: edited 9/13/2024 because I. Schumann and Co. is located outside of Bedford City limits.