Ohio Governor Mike DeWine provided the following updates Tuesday on the status of the COVID-19 pandemic in Ohio.
According to information gathered by the Ohio Department of Education, 325 public school districts in Ohio, or about 53 percent, are planning to return to school full-time this fall, which equates to approximately 590,000 students.
A total of 55 districts representing approximately 398,000 public school students will begin the school year remotely, which is about 9 percent of the districts.  The Bedford City School District has chosen to open this school year remotely.
Approximately 380,000 students in 154 public school districts, or about 25 percent of the state’s districts, will start the school year with a hybrid of online and in-person learning. Information on 78 public school districts was not readily available. Â
Currently, Ohio has left the decision to individual school districts on how to approach the new school year.Â
Governor DeWine continued to stress the importance of masks, social distancing, and proper hygiene as Ohio’s school students approach the start of the upcoming school year.
“I have every confidence that Ohio’s schools will do everything they can to keep children safe, but any spread happening in the broader community will, without a doubt, be reflected in Ohio’s classrooms,” said Governor DeWine. “If we want our kids to go to school in person, to play sports, to be in extracurricular activities – it’s up to all of us to cut down the spread in our communities.”
Also participating in Tuesday’s briefing were Dr. John Barnard from Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus, Dr. Patty Manning from Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, and Dr. Adam Mezoff from Dayton Children’s Hospital. These experts discussed the prevalence of COVID-19 among children; how to prevent spread in schools by wearing masks, practicing social distancing, maintaining good hand hygiene, keeping surfaces clean, ensuring good ventilation. They also discussed what schools can do if a student or staff member tests positive.
DeWine shared updated data on the percentage of cases in Ohio by age group. The data shows a significant increase in positive cases among younger adults over the summer, particularly in the age range of 20-29. See the table below.

There are 102,826 confirmed and probable cases of COVID-19 in Ohio and 3,708 confirmed and probable COVID-19 deaths. A total of 11,760 people have been hospitalized, including 2,699 admissions to intensive care units. In-depth data can be accessed by visiting coronavirus.ohio.gov.
Video of today’s full update, including versions with foreign language translation, can be viewed on the Ohio Channel’s YouTube page.
For more information on Ohio’s response to COVID-19, visit coronavirus.ohio.gov or call 1-833-4-ASK-ODH.