Last spring 35 citizens volunteered to participate in Citizens Strategic Planning. The volunteers spent 6 weeks researching, collaborating, and writing Action Plans for the following subjects: Crime and Safety, Economic Development, Neighborhood Quality of Life, Recreation and Teens.  On June 5th, the plans were presented at the city council meeting with the hopes of the council adopting the plans. The committee meets as a group to make the plans a reality and to plan events for the good of the community. For example, the economic development committee was key in promoting the downtown when Bedford was named as one of the top 15 historical downtowns in the country. We also sponsored a free event in September for all citizens on personal protection( Crime and Safety ) and free CPR and defibrillation training (Neighborhood Quality of Life ) . We are currently planning a community event (to be announced soon ) with the teen strategy in mind and several other strategies. All citizens and business owners are welcome to join and meetings are announced on Bedford Neighborhood Watch Group on Facebook and the Nextdoor Neighbor App.
Citizens strategic planning