If your normal commute takes you into Cleveland by way of Broadway Avenue, you will have to tweak your route in weeks to come. According to the Ohio Department of Transportation, a portion of State Route 14 (Broadway Avenue) in Maple Heights and all of the thoroughfare in Garfield Heights, will be closed for approximately 90 days for bridge repairs beginning on Monday, Aug. 17. The closure will occur between Libby Road in Maple Heights and Miles Avenue in Cleveland.
The first bridge to be repaired, between Henry Street and Garfield Parkway, will be closed for approximately 45 days. Immediately following this repair, work on the second bridge, between E. 104 Street and E. 93 Street, will begin and take approximately 45 days.

The detour for Broadway Avenue westbound will be: Libby Road to Northfield Road to Miles Avenue to Broadway Avenue. The detour for Broadway Avenue eastbound will be Miles Avenue to E. 131 Street to Harvard Avenue to Lee Road to Miles Avenue to Northfield Road to Libby Road to Broadway Avenue.

For more information contact: District 12 Public Information Office at 216-584-2005, D12.Public.Information@dot.ohio.gov
Here are a few other notices that could affect your drive in the near future:
– Full-depth pavement replacement, lane-widening and bridge work is currently taking place on Interstate 271 north and southbound between Miles Road in Warrensville Heights and the Cuyahoga County/Summit County line. The date of completion is set for sometime in late fall. As part of this work, the Miles Road entrance ramp to I-271 southbound will be closed on Thursday, Aug. 13, and Friday, Aug. 14, from 8 p.m. to 6 a.m. The detour route will be Richmond Road to Harvard Road to I-271 South.
– As part of the Interstate 480/Valley View bridge deck replacement, which is estimated to be completed in June 2024, W. Canal Road under the bridge will be closed on Monday Aug. 10, between 6 a.m. and 5 p.m. for overhead bridge construction.