Do you know of a house or business in Bedford that looks fabulous? Know a yard that should get a great big KUDOS? The Bedford Garden Club is proud to announce that the Bedford Beauty awards will be coming again to hand out signs to recognize those homes and businesses who go above and beyond with their their curbside appeal. Judging starts July 9, and nominations are be collected now. PSST… You absolutely can nominate your own house.
In 2020, The Garden Club recognized 56 properties for having front yards that went “above and beyond” in their decorative appeal. Of those properties, 26 were designated as Bedford Beauties, and 30 were given the title of “Looking Good” Tenders.
Bedford Beauties homes usually have a combination of a well-kept lawn and trimmed greenery, and typically an assortment of flower beds or flower boxes and other colorful designs. Tenders are homes or businesses that were judged to have many of the elements the garden club is looking for in a Bedford Beauty.
Below is a copy of the General Information Sheet along with the Nomination Form. You can send your nominations to Shirley Pashall at