Here is the video for the last City Council meeting:
In the Work session, we discussed:

  • Walter Genutis (W2)  will represent Bedford for the Hawthorne Valley Youth Council.

In the Regular session, we voted on:

  • Changes to how Ellenwood Recreation Center is rented out. These changes are really just bringing the Ellenwood rental process up to standard for rental facilities. The changes include adding a security deposit, adding a cancellation fee and clarifying who can rent the facility at a discount or for free. (2nd reading)
  • Updating the year on the ordinance about the Premium Only Plan insurance and essentially approving it for next year. This too will go to second reading today and will likely not be voted on. (2nd reading)
  • Agreeing to sponsor 5 students for the HVYC. (passed)
  • Additional increases and decreases in various appropriations. (passed)
  • Renewing the City’s agreement with Cuyahoga Board of Health, who provides testing labs and other medical services for various departments when needed. (passed)
  • Agreeing to apply for the Transportation for a Livable Community Initiative grant which can be used to improve the transportation in a community. This money will be used to fund a survey that can then be done to apply for another grant. That other grant would be used for the Willis Street Connector Project. (passed)
  • Appointing Chuck Mowery to the Planning Commission and George Green to Building Standards & Appeals. Interested in serving on a Board in Bedford? Please send your resume and which Board you are interested in to Lorree Villers at (approved)

In the Reports:

  • Powers Rd will be repaired from the underpass to the cul-de-sac. Additional repairs will be needed for the rest of Powers but the budgeted funds that were set aside for road repairs has been exhausted. The rest of the work will hopefully be done in the Spring with grant money.
  • W. Glendale will be closed for 2 weeks starting today.
  • CodeRed phone alert system will be replaced with 911 Cellular in the coming months. This will save the City $8-10K a year. Residents will need to re-register their phone number with the new alert system. The City will provide instructions on how to do that when the new system is ready to launch.
  • There will be a Halloween Party on October 27th at 10AM at Ellenwood Recreation Center.
  • The online tax system is dated. The City is looking at a new online tax system to put in place. The new system will be easier to use for both the residents and the tax Department.
  • Leaf collection will start when leaves start to fall.
  • The police department will be starting to actively ticket cars parked on the lawn. Don’t park your car your vehicles on the lawn or you can expect a ticket.