As the warm days of summer begin to wane in Bedford, September brings a shift in gardening activities, focusing on preparation for autumn and ensuring a healthy garden in the coming year. Here are the essential tasks for gardeners this month:

  1. Planting Bulbs: September is the ideal time to plant spring-flowering bulbs such as tulips, daffodils, and crocuses. Planting now allows them to establish roots before the winter freeze.
  2. Dividing Perennials: Perennials that have grown too large or are beginning to crowd their neighbors can be divided and replanted to enhance their health and vigor.
  3. Lawn Care: Refresh your lawn by aerating, overseeding, and applying a fall lawn fertilizer. This will help to ensure a lush, green lawn come spring.
  4. Harvesting: Continue to harvest vegetables and herbs. Begin to clear out spent plants and compost them unless they are diseased.
  5. Preparing for Frost: Keep an eye on the weather forecasts. Be ready to cover sensitive plants to protect them from early frosts.
  6. Garden Cleanup: Remove dead or diseased plant material from your garden. This helps prevent the spread of pests and diseases next season.
  7. Composting: Start or maintain a compost pile with fallen leaves, plant debris, and other organic materials. Composting provides a rich, natural fertilizer for your garden.

September in Bedford is a busy time for gardeners, bridging the gap between the end of summer and the arrival of fall. By tackling these tasks, you ensure your garden remains vibrant and productive through the change of seasons.