Stargazing is such a wonderful outdoor activity that families in Bedford can experience together, especially on those clear summer nights in July. As a mom here, I’ve found stargazing to be not just educational but a super fun time for my kids and me.

One of the best parts about stargazing in July is spotting constellations like the Big Dipper (Ursa Major) and the Little Dipper (Ursa Minor). They’re pretty easy to spot and really get the kids excited about how big and amazing the universe is.

Besides the constellations, stargazing is a chance for kids to learn about stars, planets, and sometimes even catch a shooting star or two during a meteor shower. It’s a great way to spark their interest in space and science.

Getting ready for stargazing is simple. Find a spot away from all the city lights, throw down some blankets or set up some chairs, and maybe bring along a stargazing app or a guidebook to help find the constellations. Let your kids ask questions and share what they see—it’s all about exploring and having fun together.

Stargazing in Bedford brings us closer to the stars and makes for some really special family moments under the night sky. It’s a time to relax, learn, and be amazed by the beauty of the universe above us.