As we approach the Independence Day holiday, it’s important to be aware of local ordinances regarding fireworks to ensure a safe and enjoyable celebration. In Bedford, the regulations outlined in Chapter 1519 of the city code strictly govern the possession, sale, and use of fireworks and related novelties.

Under Bedford’s ordinance, fireworks are defined broadly as devices intended for visible or audible effects through combustion or detonation, excluding ordinary matches. Novelties like party poppers, smoke devices, and sparklers are allowed under specific conditions, while items like booby traps and trick matches are prohibited except under certain exemptions.

It’s crucial to note that possessing, selling, or discharging fireworks without proper licensure is strictly prohibited. This includes items such as firecrackers, roman candles, and larger display fireworks. Only authorized uses, such as emergency signaling devices or specified theatrical purposes, are permitted under the ordinance.

Moreover, there are age restrictions in place: individuals under eighteen years old cannot discharge novelties or sparklers without adult supervision. Selling fireworks to minors is also prohibited.

Violating these regulations can result in serious consequences, as outlined in Section 1519.99, which classifies offenses as misdemeanors of the first degree.

As we celebrate our nation’s independence, let’s prioritize safety and respect for our community. By understanding and following Bedford’s fireworks ordinances, we can ensure a festive holiday while keeping everyone safe from unnecessary risks and accidents.