Welcome back, fellow wanderers! If you’re considering diving into the world of motorhomes, let’s talk about the big kahuna of the RV world: the Class A motorhome. Class “A” motorhomes are the largest type of motorized RV. They range from twenty-six to forty-five feet from bumper to bumper at an MSRP of approximately one hundred and fifty thousand dollars to well over one million. They are a giant shoe-box on wheels in which you fill with money. The trick is to add the smallest amount possible before you secure the lid and drive it off the lot. In a future article I will share some tips making your purchase less painful. You will still need anesthesia but recovery is possible.

These rolling condos are the top choice for those who crave space, luxury, and the thrill of piloting a vehicle that’s longer than a city bus to which you need a CDL with special attachment to operate. More on knowing what you are doing later.

First, let’s get into the nitty-gritty details. Class A motorhomes. I’ve had the pleasure of owning two Class A motorhomes over the years, a 27-footer and a 33-footer. Both offered a ride so smooth you’d think you were gliding on air, not rolling down the highway. The view from the massive windshield? Absolutely unbeatable.

The convenience of having easy access to the back of the coach by sliding out of a front seat, with plenty of room between the front seats to set up a little mobile picnic. Sandwiches and slurppies while gliding down the interstate- Yes, please!

But before you rush out to buy your dream RV, let’s talk about the downsides. Learning to drive one of these behemoths is like mastering a new sport. You’ve got to watch the wind, be hyper-aware of height restrictions on roads and at filling stations, and always keep an eye out for low-hanging tree limbs. These RVs are tall, and you don’t want to turn your fancy rig into a convertible by mistake! If this is your first purchase of a Class A motorhome you must have instruction! Any dealership worth its marquee will offer some training. Find a large parking lot where you and your new rig have some space and practice. YouTube is your best friend.  

On the plus side, Class A motorhomes offer a ton of room and storage space, larger holding tanks, and fuel capacity that’ll keep you on the road longer between stops. Many models also come with slide-outs that expand your living space, making it feel more like a rolling condo than a vehicle. However, the size can be a double-edged sword—some campgrounds may restrict access based on length, so plan ahead.

Another decision you’ll need to make is whether to go diesel or gas. Diesel engines typically offer more power and better fuel efficiency, but they come with a higher price tag. Gas models are more affordable but may not perform as well under heavy loads. It’s all about what suits your needs and budget.

Class A motorhomes are a wonderful choice and worth your research. I hinted on the advantages and pitfalls in this installment of The RV World but there is so much to learn about the Class A. But wait! There’s more! In the next installment we will learn about the Class C motorhome.