As the heat of summer persists into August in Bedford, gardens need special attention to stay flourishing and productive. Here’s your guide to some essential August gardening tasks.

  1. Water Wisely: During hot, dry spells, deep watering in the early morning or late evening is crucial, especially for young plants, containers, and veggies. Remember, it’s better to water thoroughly less often than to sprinkle a little every day.
  2. Harvest Regularly: Harvest fruits, vegetables, and herbs regularly to encourage plants to continue producing. August is prime time for tomatoes, peppers, squash, beans, and cucumbers.
  3. Deadhead and Prune: Continue to deadhead flowers for repeat blooms. Prune summer-flowering shrubs once they’ve finished blooming.
  4. Monitor Health: Keep an eye on plants for signs of pests or disease. Prompt action can prevent issues from spreading.
  5. Manage Weeds: Continue weed management. Less competition for water and nutrients means more robust plants.
  6. Plant for Fall: Start sowing fall crops like lettuce, spinach, and radishes. Transplanting seedlings for fall harvest crops like broccoli, cabbage, and kale should begin now.
  7. Prepare for Next Spring: For the gardeners looking ahead, now’s the time to order spring-flowering bulbs. This early planning ensures the best selection.

The sweltering days of August might make gardening in Bedford a bit challenging, but with regular attention and care, your garden can thrive. Follow these tips to help your garden navigate the dog days of summer and transition into the bounty of fall.