From: 07/04/2024 to 07/18/2024
165 Center Road, Bedford, Ohio 44146

Male contacted via phone. Advised him to call back when he had a proper serial number. Officer spoke with the male via phone. The male was intoxicated and advised he wants to report a firearm stolen over a year ago. He’s advising his ex-girlfriend took it and now that she is harassing him, he wants to file it as stolen. He was advised once he has the serial number, he needs to contact PD. The caller’s firearm was stolen 2 years ago by his ex-girlfriend. He was told he needs to get the serial number but he doesn’t have that and insists on an officer coming out to speak with him. He was advised to call back when he had a proper serial number.
01:07:50 THEFT
Location: Lee Road South, Bedford

Resident states she just came back from the hospital and someone stole her scooter. Officers spoke to the resident who stated she went to the hospital on Monday, June 24, and EMS locked up her apartment for her. When she got back home on Thursday, July 4, she noticed her apartment door was unlocked and her scooter was missing. There was no forced entry, and the only people with a master key are management. The resident was advised to speak to management the next day. The incident was documented, and she was advised to call back after speaking with management.
07/20/2024 – The complainant called and reported her scooter was located. Her friend was holding onto it while she was in the hospital.
18:05:42 THEFT
Location: Rockside Road, Bedford

Officers spoke with the complainant in the lobby who first stated she was there to advise that a protection order she filed for through the county had been rescinded due to her not going to court. Therefore, she would be returning home for the first time since January. The complainant advised that her husband, who she has been separated from since 2023, is living at Northfield with his ex-wife and she wants the female out as she now wishes to return to the home. Officers advised the complainant that her issue was civil. She then advised that she would like to file an assault report for an alleged incident that happened in March or April 2024. Officers advised that she could turn in a statement and officers would investigate the alleged assault. The complainant became upset stating that officers were refusing to help her, so she would handle it herself. Officers advised the complainant it would be best if she does not return to the home unexpectedly. The complainant requested officers drop her off at the home, which was declined. Officers later spoke with the husband who advised that the complainant had somehow frozen his credit cards. He was advised this was civil.
14:32:07 THEFT
Location: Northfield Road, Bedford

Box with tools taken out of a pickup truck overnight. The box is 5′ long and had a lot of tools for carpentry in it, at least $2-3K worth of tools. The complainant stated sometime between June 29, 2024, and the time of the call, unknown person(s) gained access to the bed of his truck and stole a large toolbox and carpentry tools. The complainant valued the tools at $3,000. An officer left a message for the management company of the apartments for possible video. An officer spoke with Rich’s Towing who towed the vehicle on June 29, 2024, to look for video.
07/16/2024 – Spoke with the management company for Willard House Apartments; they have not had a working video system for approximately one month. Spoke with Oakwood PD regarding the tools in the back of the truck. The captain stated he would look at body cam video to see if they accessed the bed of the truck. The complainant was updated.
11:11:45 THEFT
Location: Mortimer Drive, Bedford

Caller says there’s a male trying to break into cars, wearing a white and blue “Benedictine” shirt, at the end near the apartments. The male arrived alone, has a small black electric scooter that he rode here, with a red brake on the back. He’s been trying to get into a black Nissan and a red Nissan. Walking toward Corkhill, hair locks, has flip-flops. Male is seated at the end of the garages by the bushes. The male checked okay; he was waiting for a friend and was advised to leave until his friend comes back. No property found on him; he was sent on his way.
15:13:30 THEFT
Location: Lee Road South, Bedford

Male at the station to report that his ex-girlfriend stole his firearm a while ago. The complainant stated his live-in girlfriend stole his firearm and will not give it back to him. Officer contacted the female, and she admitted to having it and agreed to return the firearm to him. The female stated she was hiding it because she was concerned and did not feel safe with him possessing it.
11:39:49 THEFT
Location: Lee Road South, Bedford

Caller states that someone stole his bicycle. A witness advised him it was a black male who took it. The caller was inside the medical center when this happened about 10 minutes ago. The male left towards Center. The caller will be waiting at the intersection for officers.
12:47:31 THEFT
Location: Garden Street & Blaine Avenue, Bedford

Purse was stolen from this location yesterday. Officers spoke with the complainant in the lobby who states that on July 9, 2024, at approximately 1340 hrs, she left her purse at Center Road (The Laundry Basket). The complainant has since returned to retrieve the purse with negative results. The purse is described by the complainant as a small purple purse, approximately 6×8 with a gold chain as a strap. The complainant has already canceled all credit cards in the purse and had her ID re-issued. The complainant advised the only other item of value is the keys to her 2023 Buick vehicle.
10:44:48 THEFT
Location: Center Road, Bedford

Employee states a male was in the store about 20 mins ago and was “touching workers,” putting his hand up her dress. The white older male, bald, was wearing a fannypack, a red shirt, and jeans.
15:07:03 2400368 ASSAULT
Location: Columbus Road, Bedford

Complainant was advised by his insurance company (AIG) that he required a police report to be reimbursed. Complainant explained that $3,000 was overdrawn from his bank account, in which his bank notified him and he has insurance through AIG to cover any identity theft. AIG requested a police report to further refund missing funds. The male was also advised to send any paperwork from his bank.
21:28:31 ID THEFT
Location: William Street, Bedford

Female reporting someone came up and stole all of her items that she left sitting in 2 boxes as she was transferring cars. A black/grey Dodge 4-door pick-up with Tupperware inside left going westbound out of the parking lot. The male was wearing a white shirt and black pants. Officers spoke to 2 female victims of theft at Kia of Bedford. The victims stated while they were in the process of moving property over from an old vehicle to a newly purchased vehicle, a black male in his 50’s, wearing a white shirt and black pants, pulled up to their vehicle in an older black Dodge Ram and stole 2 brown boxes sitting at the rear of their vehicle. Victims stated they also saw a female in the passenger seat of the vehicle but were unable to get a description. The boxes contained clothing, purses, money, credit cards, and social security cards. Victims stated they were inside the store when the male picked up the boxes, placed them in his truck, and left heading westbound on Rockside. Officers viewed camera footage from Kia that showed a black male driving an older black Dodge Ram pull up to the victim’s vehicle, pick up the 2 boxes, and place them in his truck before leaving and heading westbound on Rockside. A license plate was not able to be obtained from the video.
12:37:40 THEFT
Location: Rockside Road, Bedford

Bike stolen from the garage within the last 25 mins. Black mountain bike with no brakes, black grips with grey tips, and a tire pump on it. The caller does not know the make of the bike. The female stated that her boyfriend’s bike was stolen out of her garage. The female described the bike as black and silver with brand new tires and a tire pump. The female did not know the make, model, or serial number for the bike. Female stated some other items in the garage were also moved around but didn’t believe anything else was stolen. The owner of the bike and his roommate went out looking for the bike and arrived back at the house as officers were speaking with the female. The male stated they saw a young, skinny black male about 13 years of age wearing no shirt and athletic shorts riding the bike at John Street. Officers completed a follow-up at John Street and spoke with a resident. The resident’s sons stated that a juvenile named has the bike. They stated he lives in the neighborhood but unsure exactly where. Officers continued to check the area but could not locate the juvenile.
16:45:15 THEFT
Location: Henry Street, Bedford

Caller left his wallet at the gas station and thinks someone took it. Officer spoke with the male who advised while at the Sunoco on Northfield around 20:00 and 22:00 hours, he dropped his wallet. In his wallet were several bank cards, his social security card, driver’s license, and a medical card. After the male left, an officer contacted the male and it was discovered that he was at the Maple Heights location. He was referred to MHPD.
17:58:24 THEFT
Location: Northfield Road, Bedford

Male in PD lobby to see an officer regarding a female he lives with breaking into his room and stealing items from him. The female is there at the house at this time.
18:59:57 THEFT
Location: Glendale Avenue, Bedford

KOB is requesting an officer to report 4 vehicles being stolen off the lot. Unknown when this took place. PD can respond to the service department.
2020 Kia Sportage VIN-xxxx
2024 Kia Forte VIN-xxxx
2023 Kia Forte VIN-xxxx
2024 Kia Sportage VIN-xxxx
The 2020 Kia Sportage VIN xxxx was reported previously.
RP stated 4 vehicles were stolen off his lot. RP was unsure when the vehicles were stolen. RP states the 2020 Kia Sportage was already reported stolen and recovered. RP was given the report number. RP stated the other 3 vehicles were loaned out by an ex-employee, but they did not have any paperwork on who they were loaned out to or for how long. RP was advised it was a civil matter and the vehicles were not stolen.
11:52:39 CIVIL MATT
Location: Rockside Road, Bedford

Caller at apartments behind Giant Eagle staying with a friend but couldn’t give an address or apartment number and will meet officers outside. He states his ex-girlfriend picked him up last night and hit him with a car and knocked him over. She dropped him off this morning and he wants a report.
09:18:40 ASSAULT
Location: Solon Road, Bedford

Employee from the corporate office states on 05/17/2024 Jay Honda sold a 2020 Audi Q5 to a male. Employee stated the male used a credit card to make payments for the vehicle, one transaction for $515, and one transaction for $2,575. Both payments were made over the telephone. Jay Honda received notice from the bank that they rejected the transactions due to insufficient funds and would no longer service a loan for the male. The employee said they had attempted to contact the male multiple times regarding the issue with no success. Officer was able to make contact with the male via telephone. The male stated this was the first he had heard about the issue. Male stated he has already made additional payments to the bank for the vehicle. Male also stated his uncle was the one who made the 2 rejected credit card payments for the vehicle on 05/17/2024. The male was given contact information for the corporate office and stated he would resolve the issue. The employee stated he is not looking to press charges as long as the male returns the vehicle. Employee was advised to follow up if the male does not return the vehicle or take appropriate measures to resolve the issue.
07/25/2024 – Officer spoke with the male who is now housed at CBCF and will be there for an extended period of time. He told the officer a male came with him to buy the vehicle and he does not know where the car is now since he’s incarcerated. Male gave the car to a male who lives at Garden Valley. He does not know the other male’s real name, only his nickname.
11:53:41 AUTO THEFT
Location: Broadway Avenue, Bedford

Right in front of the building on the right, a black male, heavy-set, is getting assaulted by a younger black male. They are both wearing dark colors. The caller did not see any weapons. The broadcast was in the grassy area. No physical fight.
09:59:47 ASSAULT
Location: Broadway Avenue, Bedford