Bedford Police Records
From 06/25/2023 through 07/02/2023

11:19:32 Domestic
Northfield Road
The caller’s husband destroyed the house last night. He threatened to burn it down, and she doesn’t feel safe at home. The complainant stated that last night she was at a bar with her husband when an argument between them ensued. To keep the peace, the complainant left the bar and stayed at a hotel for the night. Ever since she left the bar, she has been receiving 40-50 text messages and/or voicemail messages from her husband threatening to “burn the house down” if she did not come home. He also sent pictures of him destroying the interior of the home. The complainant said this was not the first time her husband has made the same threat. She was advised of domestic violence laws and to call police if she is threatened or physically harmed by her husband when she goes home.

13:09:12 Breaking and entering
Northfield Road (Boiler 65 – new)
The camera system has been stolen from the old Boiler 65. It occurred sometime last night. The caller is the new owner of the property.

19:47:52 Domestic
Belle Court
An officer spoke with the complainant who advised his sister came over and started a verbal argument in regards to money missing from her joint account with her mother. The complainant advised she then slapped him with an open hand, left and went back to her house. The complainant’s sister stated she left and went back to her house after the verbal argument, and the caller came to her house and confronted her which is where the slap occurred. She claims she has Ring camera footage to prove this is how it happened.  The complainant advised he currently has power of attorney for their mother and withdrew $5,000 from that same shared account. Both parties were advised that at this time the matter is civil and were advised of their options.

09:22:59 Domestic
E. Grace Street
The caller says that she and her son got into a big argument. He took her cell phone and pushed his mother. The caller wouldn’t answer any more questions; she just said to send someone as soon as possible. It ended up being a misunderstanding. Neither party wanted police assistance.

18:25:25 Harassing communication
Maria Avenue
The caller said her sister, who lives in California, is being stalked by her ex. The caller stated the male has now reached out to her and made indirect threats toward her over Facebook Messenger. She did not have the messages saved and said she deleted them. The caller was advised to get a protection order through the county if she wishes.

08:35:14 Fraud
W. Grace Street
The complainant came on station to report that some unknown person filed for unemployment with her Social Security number. She was notified by her employer of the fraudulent claim. She was advised to make a police report of the incident. The complainant was given some pamphlets on identity theft.

09:06:01 Damage to vehicle
W. Glendale Street
The complainant wanted to make a damage to property report. Sometime last night an unknown person came into her yard and slashed three of her vehicle’s tires. She believes it’s her daughter’s new boyfriend’s former girlfriend that caused the damage to the tires. No cameras caught the subject(s) in the yard slashing the tires. The suspect was called, and a voicemail left for her to call the station. 

09:36:10 Fraud
Helper Drive
Officers spoke with the complainant who states unknown persons opened an Illuminating Company electric bill in her name at an address she never lived at in Bedford Heights. The complainant states she received a bill and made contact with the Illuminating Company, who advised her she had an unpaid balance of $386. The complainant started a fraud complaint with the Illuminating Company. She is currently at no loss of funds. The complainant was provided a report number.

13:13:39 Hit skip
Berwyn Drive
A male states that around 0022 hours, he was traveling north on Northfield rRoad near Berwyn Drive when another vehicle that was on Berwyn failed to yield at the light and struck the front right side of his vehicle. The other vehicle fled the scene before the male was able to get any information from the other driver. Flock cameras were checked and officers were unable to locate any vehicle with damage. The male did not get any description of the other vehicle.

09:31:03 Fraud
Wellmon Street
The complainant stated on June 25, a friend from school contacted her on Facebook to invest in Bitcoin. The complainant’s friend stated if she invested $150, she would receive $2,000 back. The complainant provided the male a photo of her driver’s license and the password to her Facebook account. The complainant sent the male four transactions between June 25 and 26 totaling $650 but hasn’t received any money in return. The female stated she will be contacting the bank to file a report also.

09:35:12 Theft
Broadway Avenue (BP)
The card reader for Pump 7 has been stolen. Employees are going through camera footage now.

16:47:14 Faud
Jackson Boulevard
A female is in the station to speak with an officer about someone getting into her account and hacking her phone. She came in before, and officers did not believe her. Now she has proof from phone service. The complainant stated that over the past few months she has been dealing with a person(s) hacking into her data through her cellular phone and possibly her computer. She has noticed strange occurrences on her cell phone at home and at her place of business. The most recent issue was when she tried to log in to her bank app. She stated that she kept getting redirected to different websites, along with not receiving verification codes. She also received a voice message from a male with an accent singing a song about how she got hacked. The complainant was provided with pamphlets from the Federal Trade Commission regarding identity theft. The complainant wanted the issue documented.

15:03:33 Identity theft
Forest Drive
The complainant stated that he was notified by his employer at the county that a request for unemployment had been filed in his name with the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services. The complainant obviously realized a person(s) unknown had filed the request and wanted a report on file for identity theft. He was advised to monitor his credit report and keep an eye on his accounts for any other unauthorized activity. 

17:21:23 Damage to vehicle
Broadway Avenue (Ganley Chrysler Dodge Jeep)
A Jeep Grand Cherokee had its window broken out in the lot this morning. 

00:13:57 Threats
Lee Road South
Officers spoke to a female who stated that her brother came over to her house and accused her son of touching his daughter inappropriately. The male became very irate and continued to yell at the caller and accuse her of letting it happen. The female does not know where the male lives, so officers were not able to make contact with him. Officers also checked the gas station where she stated the male went, and he was not there. The female was advised to call back if the male returns.


10:39:15 Theft
Broadway Avenue (Circle K)
Three juveniles stole three totes of cigarettes. They left in a newer white SUV with no plates on the vehicle. They pulled out of the lot and went towards Oakwood. The caller has them on video, and there were additional people in the car. The Oakwood Village police advised and responded. An officer requested an Oakwood unit to respond to Circle K. The tote is red in color.

13:13:43 Fraud
Lincoln Boulevard
The complainant came to the station to make a fraud report. She got a personal loan from the Lending Club for $2,000. She then received a phone call from an unknown person who said that they work with the Lending Club. While speaking with him she realized that this is a scam call. She already gave some personal information to the unknown subject. The next morning she received a $8,000 dollar check in her bank account. Her 2,000 dollars was removed from the account through a fake cash app account. The complainant is working with the Lending Club and her bank to get her money back. The bank put a stop on her account to hold the 8,000 fraudulent check. The bank wanted her to make a report about the incident to the police.

17:58:32 Fraud
Washington Street
The complainant found a rental listing on Facebook Marketplace for Bedford. After FaceTiming the supposed owner, who appeared to be the male in the profile picture, the female felt confident it was not a scam. A lease was sent for Washington Street in Bedford and the female signed it. All rent money was sent prior to viewing the property in person and meeting the owner in person. On 6-25-23, the owner failed to show for a scheduled meeting at the address. The owner then blocked the complainant and appeared to make a new Facebook profile. The reporting officer also found that the pictures in the listing are not for the address advertised as windows and neighboring residences do not match. The address is not owned by the supposed owner, per the auditor’s website. It was also found no crime occurred in Bedford. The complainant completed all transactions while at home in Akron. The real person that owns the property lives in Canton and the supposed residence in the pictures is not the listed address. The female was advised to file a report with Akron Police Department, but she advised that they already told her there was nothing they could do as the crime somehow took place in Bedford. An officer advised the complainant to speak to Akron again after obtaining the Bedford documentation.

10:19:22 Assault
Broadway Avenue (Automile Inn)
The complainant stated that while at the listed address, she went to go outside to say goodbye to a friend while holding a drink.  She said the security guard that was there slammed the door in her face and trapped her. The female stated that she was then struck in the head and face by the male while he was attempting to slap the drink out of her hands. The complainant stated that due to him hitting her, she then struck the security guard. The male then pepper sprayed her, and she was still having pain because of it.  She wanted to make a report on the incident and advised that her attorney was looking into pursuing charges for assault.

17:34:01 Theft
Center Road (Circle K)
Officers spoke with the caller who is an employee of Circle K, who states that a male wearing a black and purple FedEx shirt and khaki shorts, came in to buy lottery tickets and attempted to pay with an excessive amount of change. The caller refused to take the change and the male grabbed the tickets (approximately $30 worth) and left without paying. The caller is not sure where the male went and has no access to cameras as she states she had only been an employee for approximately 30 minutes. The caller was advised to contact management for an official inventory of the lottery tickets and report the theft to the Ohio lottery. Officers advised the caller that management can contact police if further assistance needed.

11:17:19 squad-12-overdose
Columbus Road (Southeast library)
The caller reported that her friend gave her unknown pills and three gummies. The caller is outside the Bedford Library. The female took too many marijuana gummies and the squad is transporting her. 

12:11:53 Fraud
Jackson Boulevard
Officers spoke with the complainant in the lobby, who states on 7-1-23 he received a call from an unknown hispanic male stating he was in the Mexican cartel. The male told the complainant that the complainant’s wife had lost the cartel a large amount of money, and that they had possession of the complainant’s wife. When the complainant requested to speak with his wife, the unknown hispanic male put a female on the phone who the complainant states sounded exactly like his wife, and they had a full conversation. The complainant now believes he was speaking with an “AI” (artificial intelligence) and that this was an “AI voice-cloning scam” which the FTC warned about recently. The complainant states that through four wire transfers he sent the unknown persons approximately $2,500. Officers advised the complainant to return to the banks to cancel the wire transfers. The complainant states he will return at a later time with receipts of the transfers for exact amounts.

Bedford Police Records
From 06/25/2023 through 07/02/2023

11:43:19 Unwanted guest
Northfield Road (Cee Ray Motel)
The caller is management and is asking a customer to leave. He is currently in his room and refusing to leave. He was asked not to return. If he does he will be charged with trespass.

09:41:29 Suspicion
Rockside Road (RiteWay Auto Sales)
A charcoal gray Hyundai Kona with no plates is there. The caller finds it suspicious and thinks it’s possibly stolen. It was last seen westbound on Rockside Road but was gone upon arrival. 

23:14:00 Suspicion
Rockside Road (Bubba’s better muffler and brakes) 
While on patrol, an officer observed two males enter the parking lot of the closed business and begin to open the hood of a 2009 Hyundai SUV. The officer then observed the males remove an item from the engine bay, which was later found to be a vehicle battery. Officers made contact with the males who advised they are selling the vehicle to the business and were just taking the battery out. The vehicle was found to be registered to a business and not to either male present. The male driver was identified and the male passenger, who claimed to be the owner of the listed vehicle, refused to identify himself. The males did advise they possessed the vehicle keys for the car. At this time, all information was documented and the males were advised of business hours. The males were then sent on their way.

22:56:43 Attempt GT vehicle
Turney Road
The caller reported what she thought was a male in all black running away from the garages. Another male was seen getting out from under a white Ford, and there is damage to the vehicle.  There are possibly three people in the white sedan that left. Neither plate is good. They are attempting to locate and contact the owner.