Winter is upon us, and there’s something truly special about the season’s beauty. It’s the perfect time to bring a touch of that winter magic into your Bedford home with a delightful craft project: homemade snowflake window clings. These charming decorations will not only brighten up your windows but also fill your heart with the joy of creativity. So, let’s dive right in and create some winter wonder!

Materials You’ll Need:

  1. White Puffy Paint: You’ll want a bottle of white fabric or puffy paint for that authentic snowflake look.
  2. Plastic Sheet Protectors: These can be found at any office supply store.
  3. Snowflake Templates: Find some snowflake templates online or draw your own. Simple designs work best for this project.
  4. Scissors: To cut out your snowflake templates.
  5. Tape: To secure your plastic sheet protector while you paint.
  6. Optional: Glitter or Sparkles: If you want to add a touch of sparkle to your snowflakes.


  1. Prepare Your Workspace: Lay out all your materials on a clean, flat surface. Make sure you have plenty of space to work comfortably.
  2. Create Your Snowflake Templates: Cut out the snowflake templates you’ve chosen. Remember, simple is beautiful in this project.
  3. Insert Templates into Sheet Protectors: Slip your snowflake templates into the sheet protectors. The plastic will act as your base for creating the window clings.
  4. Start Painting: Using the white puffy paint, trace over the lines of your snowflake template on the plastic sheet protector. You’ll want to make sure the lines are thick enough to create a solid snowflake shape. Don’t forget to add those intricate details that make snowflakes so unique!
  5. Optional: Add Sparkle: If you want to make your snowflakes shimmer, sprinkle a bit of glitter or sparkles onto the wet paint.
  6. Let It Dry: Allow your snowflakes to dry completely. It might take a few hours or even overnight, depending on the thickness of the paint.
  7. Peel and Stick: Once your snowflakes are dry, gently peel them off the sheet protectors. They should easily come off, leaving you with beautiful, transparent snowflake window clings.
  8. Decorate Your Windows: Place your snowflake window clings on your windows. You can arrange them in any pattern or design you like.
  9. Enjoy the Winter Magic: Step back and admire your handiwork. You’ve just added a touch of winter wonder to your home!

These snowflake window clings are not only a fun craft to make, but they also bring the beauty of winter indoors. They’re a lovely addition to your winter decor, and when the sunlight hits them, they’ll sparkle like real snowflakes. So, gather your materials, unleash your creativity, and let the winter magic flow through your fingertips. Happy crafting, my dears, and may your home be filled with the joy of the season!