Chair Yoga Serenity
Embark on a journey of gentle movement and relaxation. Seated comfortably in a chair or using it as a prop, participants will experience the rejuvenating effects of yoga postures, stretches, and breathwork in a supportive and inclusive environment. The nature of this class ensures that individuals with varying physical abilities can comfortably participate. Bring a yoga mat. Yoga blocks and bands can be borrowed from instructor.
Instructor: Yvonne Williams, certified Yoga instructor
Location: Ellenwood Center Room 4
Spring Session Dates: Wednesdays, May 22, 29
Time: 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm
Fee per class: $9 Resident/$10 Non-Resident
Fee for entire Spring session: $65 Resident/$75 Non-Resident
Bedford Senior Club Members are free and must register in advance

Golden Rock Choir
Join our new, dynamic senior glee club that proves that the spirit of rock ‘n’ roll knows no age limit! Participants will sing and unleash a musical time capsule of classic rock hits from the 1960s and 1970s. Singing improves memory and cognitive function and releases endorphins to improve your mood! We will “rock the house” with a performance for family and friends on Ellenwood Center’s stage on Wednesday, May 29 at 6:00pm. Ages 55+
Instructor: Musician Sheela Das, lead vocalist, SATO rock band and Ohio Arts Council roster teaching artist.
Location: Ellenwood Room 1
Dates: Wednesdays, May 22, 29
Time: 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm
Fee: $45 Resident/$55 Non-Resident
Bedford Senior Club Members are free and must register in advance

Check out the full program for more events.