Building Department

Property Maintenance:
If you have a concern with a neighbor regarding a property maintenance issue, it would be considerate to speak with your neighbor first, if you feel comfortable. A good neighbor would rather you bring the issue to their attention instead of reporting them to City Hall. To report a property maintenance issue, contact the Building Department at 440-735-6530 or submit “Report an Issue” form located on the City website home page.

  • Exterior property areas must be free of garbage, debris, stored materials and unlicensed and inoperable vehicles.
  • Do not mow your lawn, operate loud machinery or start construction projects before 7:00 a.m. or after 9:00 p.m.
  • Lawns must be cut and maintained on a schedule largely determined by the growing season. Lawns should be cut by the time the grass grows to a length of 4 inches.
  • Do not blow grass clippings and leaves into the street. The debris clogs catch basins and sewers. Grass clippings and leaves create a hazard for motorcycles.
  • Shrubbery must be trimmed neatly as needed. Shrubbery that borders a driveway or public sidewalk must be trimmed to a height not exceeding 36 inches so that motorist can see over the top of the bushes. Bushes and trees that block the line of sight for motorists may not be permitted in certain locations.