February was National Birding month but, here in Bedford every month can be a chance to catch a glimpse of the native birds of Northeast Ohio.  Tinker’s Creek and Cuyahoga Valley National Park are both within a few minutes’ drive and are among the best places in the state to bird watch. Luckily for Bedford residents we are able to catch a glimpse of many of Ohio’s native bird’s right in our own backyards.

Early March between snowfalls is a fantastic time to see some of the more colorful backyard birds. Blue Jays and our Ohio State bird, the Northern Cardinal can be seen foraging for leftover fall acorns or winter berries, to make these birds especially happy at your backyard feeder put out black oil sunflower seeds.

Another native species of bird often seen in Bedford are the woodpeckers. Even on cold winter days you can see them, and hear them! Two common varieties are the Red-headed Woodpecker and the Pileated Woodpecker. Both are native to Ohio and both can be attracted to your backyard with Suet Feeders. Try spreading some suet on the tree near your feeder to point them in the right direction.

Chickadees and Nuthatches are some of the perkier, more playful birds that you will see flitting around after the snow falls. Black capped Chickadees are a common native bird that feed mostly on berries but will gladly eat seeds or suet out of your backyard feeder. Nuthatches, especially the white breasted variety are known to exhibit some playful acrobatics while eating and can be fun to watch at your backyard feeder. They will hang upside down from your feeder and have even known to be playfully aggressive with other birds while feeding.

If you are interested in learning more about native birds in Ohio, visit the Ohio Department of Natural Resources website at ohiodnr.gov or if you would like to help Cornell University study the native birds at your feeder this winter visit Project Feeder Watch at https://feederwatch.org.