As the weather gets warmer here in Bedford, it’s important to switch up your home décor to create a breezy and airy feel. One of the easiest ways to do this is by replacing heavy winter fabrics with lighter materials like linen or cotton. This simple change can make a big difference in the overall feel of your home.

Switching out your throw pillows is a quick and easy way to add a touch of summer to your living room or bedroom. Opt for light-colored pillows in soft materials like linen or cotton. You can even mix and match patterns and textures to create a fun and eclectic look.

Another way to switch up your textiles is by replacing your heavy winter blankets with lightweight throws. Choose throws made of natural materials like cotton or bamboo, which are breathable and perfect for warmer weather. Drape them over the back of your sofa or the foot of your bed for a cozy and inviting feel.

Curtains can also be swapped out for lighter materials to create a more breezy and airy feel in your home. Select curtains made of cotton or linen in light colors like white, cream, or pastels. This can help bring in more natural light and create a brighter and more open feel in your living spaces.

In addition to switching out your textiles, you can also add some summery touches to your décor with natural elements like seashells, driftwood, or even potted plants. These elements can help bring the outdoors inside and create a fresh and rejuvenating atmosphere in your home.

Overall, switching up your textiles is a simple and effective way to create a breezy and airy feel in your home for the warmer months even here in Northeast Ohio. By incorporating lightweight materials like linen and cotton, you can create a cozy and inviting atmosphere that celebrates the beauty of summer.