As March ushers in the early signs of spring in Bedford, gardeners are presented with a blend of indoor and outdoor tasks to kickstart the growing season. This transitional month is a time of preparation, planting, and maintenance to ensure a flourishing garden. Here’s how to make the most of March in your Bedford garden:

  1. Seed Starting Indoors: Continue starting seeds indoors for vegetables and flowers that require a longer growing season, such as tomatoes, peppers, and petunias. Ensure they receive enough light and warmth to foster growth.

  1. Pruning and Cleanup: Late winter or early spring is the perfect time to prune fruit trees, berry bushes, and deciduous shrubs before they break dormancy. Clear away any remaining debris from garden beds and lawns to prevent disease and pests.

  1. Soil Preparation: As the ground thaws, begin preparing your garden beds. Test the soil for pH and nutrient levels and amend accordingly with compost or other organic material to enrich the soil.

  1. Early Planting Outdoors: Hardy vegetables, such as peas, spinach, and kale, can be sown directly into the garden as soon as the soil is workable. Consider covering with a cloche or floating row cover to protect them from late frosts.

  1. Lawn Care: Rake your lawn to remove thatch and winter debris. Late March is also a good time to apply a slow-release fertilizer to encourage strong growth as the weather warms.

  1. Pot Maintenance: Refresh potting soil in container gardens and plant up pots with hardy annuals or perennials to add early spring color to your patio or doorstep.

  1. Garden Planning: Finalize your planting schemes and ensure all seeds and gardening supplies are ready for the busy months ahead.

March in Bedford is a pivotal gardening month, setting the foundation for a vibrant and productive season. By tackling these tasks, you ensure your garden is awakened and energized for the warmer days to come.