Have you ever wished for safer streets where you can ride your bike, walk, or take the bus? The City of Bedford, along with a group called the Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency (NOACA), has some exciting news. They are planning to make traveling to and from Bedford Downtown better and safer, and they need your help!

What’s the Plan?

The plan is called the “Historic Downtown Connectivity Plan.” It’s all about making it easier for people to get around Bedford Downtown using bicycles, walking, or public transit like buses. The City wants to connect the downtown area with other neighborhoods, making it simple and safe for everyone.

How Can You Help?

Here’s where you come in! The City of Bedford wants to know what you think. They’ve created a survey that you, your family, and friends can fill out. This survey will let you share your ideas on how to make the streets better.

But that’s not all! There are going to be public meetings where you can talk about your ideas with other people from Bedford. These meetings are a chance to learn about the plan and say what you think.

Click here to take the survey.

Don’t Miss the First Meeting!

The first meeting is happening on Wednesday, September 13th, 2023, at 6 PM. It will be at the Ellenwood Recreation Center (124 Ellenwood Ave, Bedford, OH 44146). The City will talk about the plan’s goals and how they hope to make traveling downtown better and safer. They want to hear from you, so they hope to see you there!

Let’s Work Together!

This plan is a big chance to make Downtown Bedford a great place for everyone. Whether you like to ride your bike, walk, or take the bus, your ideas can help make things better. So fill out the survey, go to the meetings, and let’s make our city even more amazing together!

Click here to take the survey.